View or edit a bill using the FreeAgent mobile app

This article explains how to use the FreeAgent mobile app to view or make changes to a bill.

Any changes you make using the FreeAgent mobile app will be reflected in the desktop version of FreeAgent.

Alternatively, if you’d like to remove a bill altogether, you can delete the bill.

How to view a bill

Tap the three-lined 'hamburger' icon at the top-left of the FreeAgent mobile app and select 'Bills'.


Select the relevant bill from the list.


To search for bills for a certain contact, type their name in the ‘Search bills’ box.


How to edit a bill

Once you’ve selected the bill, you can edit either the bill details or the line items.

Editing the bill details

Tap ‘Edit bill’ to make changes to the bill details such as the contact, reference, bill date, VAT options, comments, project, recurring options or attachment.


Once you’ve made the relevant changes, select ‘Save’ to update the bill.


Editing the bill line items

To make changes to the bill line items, select the relevant line item from the ‘Bill items’ section.


Once you’ve made the relevant changes, select ‘Save’ to update the bill line item.


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