How to change the theme of an invoice

This article explains how to change the theme of an individual invoice that you’ve created in FreeAgent.

Please note that the instructions below describe how to change the theme of a single selected invoice.

Alternatively, find out how to change the default theme of all your invoices and estimates. You can also change the bank details listed at the bottom of the invoice or edit the invoice details and line items on the invoice.

Find the invoice

Navigate to the ‘Work’ tab at the top of the screen and select ‘Invoicing’ from the drop-down menu.


Select the relevant invoice from the list.


Before you can change the theme of an invoice, the invoice must be in draft status. To mark an invoice back to draft status, select ‘Make Draft’. If the invoice has been marked as paid, you’ll need to remove the payment link first.


Change the theme

Select ‘More’ in the top-right and choose ‘Change theme’ from the drop-down menu.


The available themes for you to choose from will be displayed above the invoice.


Choose the theme that you'd like to use. Find out more about creating a custom invoice theme.


A preview of the invoice using the selected theme will appear below.


To apply the chosen theme to the invoice, select 'Close’ in the top-right to complete the process.

Please note that the new theme you’ve chosen will only be applied to this invoice. Find out how to change the default theme of your invoices and estimates.


Mark the invoice as sent

Once you've selected the relevant theme, select ‘Mark as Sent’ above the invoice template to activate the updated invoice in your account if you don't need to send the updated invoice to your customer.


To send the updated invoice to your customer, select ‘Re-send by Email’.


A record of the invoice having been updated will appear in your ‘Audit Trail’ report.


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