Export or print your VAT return in FreeAgent

This article explains how to export or print a VAT return in FreeAgent.

Navigate to the 'Taxes' tab at the top of the screen and select 'VAT' from the drop-down menu.

Screenshot showing the 'Taxes' menu with 'VAT' highlighted

Next, select the VAT return that you would like to export or print from the list.


Alternatively, select a VAT return from the ‘Statement of Account’ drop-down menu.


From either the 'Preview' or 'Full Report' tab of your selected VAT return, select ‘Export’ and then choose either ‘VAT Return (PDF)’ or 'Full Report (XLSX)'. This will export either a preview version of your VAT return as a PDF file or the full report as an XLSX file to a location on your computer or device. To print the return, access the downloaded file from its saved location and print it from there. 

Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 10.24.20.png

You also have the option to print your VAT return directly from your internet browser. Choose either the ‘Preview’ or ‘Full Report’ tab and then select the print option from your internet browser drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can use the ‘print’ keyboard shortcut on your computer to print the VAT return. For PC users, the shortcut is ‘Ctrl + p’. For Mac users, the shortcut is ‘cmd + p’.

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