Aged Debtors report

This article explains how to access, filter, view and export the Aged Debtors report in FreeAgent which shows you which customers owe you money at a particular date, and how much they owe you.

Accessing the report

Navigate to the ‘Accounting’ tab at the top of the screen and select ‘Reports’ from the drop-down menu.

Reports option highlighted in drop-down menu under Accounting tab.

Navigate to the 'Breakdown' section and select 'Aged Debtors'.

'Aged Debtors' highlighted in the Breakdown area of the Reports page.

The Aged Debtors report shows how much each customer owes you, and a breakdown of each invoice

You can choose to show or hide this information for each customer by selecting the arrow next to their name.

The column headers (0-30 Days etc) indicate how long before the report date you issued each invoice. There's also a grand total of how much your customers owe you at the bottom of the screen.

Aged Debtors report set to Today.

Filtering the report

You can also choose whether you view this information aged by the 'Invoice date' (the date the invoice was created), or by the 'Due date' (the date tied to the payment terms of the invoice). This means you can view how long the invoice is overdue by either by the issued date, or by the due date.

'Age by due date' highlighted on drop-down menu.

Alternatively, there are a number of different dates you can view the Aged Debtors report as at. You can view it as at:

  • today’s date
  • the end of a specific accounting year
  • a custom date of your choice

Select the viewing option you want to use from the ‘Date’ drop-down menu.

'Custom Date' highlighted in drop-down menu.

If you choose the ‘Custom date’ option, you’ll be prompted to enter your chosen date in the ‘As at’ field. Select 'Apply' to view the report as at that date.

Custom date selected using a date picker.

Viewing the report

You can view the invoice dates and due dates for each customer by selecting the arrow next to their name.

Example customer information highlighted and aged by invoice date.

Export the report

You can export the Aged Debtors report as either a CSV or PDF file. Choose the appropriate format from the 'Export Report' drop-down menu in the top-right corner.

Export Report drop-down menu highlighted with options for CSV and Summary PDF files.

You can set up automatic emails from FreeAgent to remind your customers to pay an invoice when it’s due or overdue, or manually send a reminder email once an invoice is overdue.

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