Record a bonus or commission

This article explains how to add a bonus or irregular payment, for example commission, to a payslip in FreeAgent.

Please note that:

  • FreeAgent's payroll functionality won't be available if you have an unincorporated landlord account or you're preparing your accounts using cash basis accounting.
  • You’ll need full (level 8) access to FreeAgent to be able to add bonuses, commission or irregular payment to a payslip.
  • If the employee is receiving a bonus or commission this month, you’ll need to edit the relevant employee’s payslip before filing the payroll to HMRC.

Adding a bonus or commission to a payslip

Navigate to the ‘My Money’ tab at the top of the screen and select ‘Payroll’ from the drop-down menu.

Payroll highlighted in drop-down menu under My Money on the overview page.

Select ‘Prepare Month [X] Payroll’ in the top-right of the screen. ‘X’ will be the number of the month for which you’re filing payroll.

'Prepare Month [x] Payroll' button highlighted at top of payroll page header.

Select ‘Edit Payslip’ to the right of the relevant employee’s name.

'Edit Payslip' button highlighted next to employee's listing.

Scroll down to the ‘Pay’ section and enter the relevant details of the bonus or commission.

Pay section of payslip.

Select ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the screen to complete the process. Once you’ve entered the relevant details to the payslip, you can submit the payroll to HMRC.

You’ll need to repeat this process each month that the employee will be receiving the bonus or commission.

Find out more about the different types of statutory pay and deductions you can record in FreeAgent.

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