Payments on account in FreeAgent

This article explains how payments on account work in FreeAgent.

Payments on account are payments that some individuals are required to make towards their next year’s income tax and class 4 National Insurance bills.

Payments on account in your FreeAgent tax return

Navigate to the ‘Taxes’ tab at the top of the screen and select ‘Self Assessment’ from the drop-down menu.

'Taxes' drop-down menu with 'Self Assessment' highlighted.

Select the relevant user from the drop-down menu.

Example user names highlighted in drop-down menu.

Select the appropriate Self Assessment tax return from the list of tax years on the left-hand side.

Tax year column highlighted on Self Assessment Summary page.

Select the 'Tax Adjustments' tab.

'Tax Adjustments' tab highlighted as fifth of six tabs.

FreeAgent will work out your payments on account for the next tax year and display this figure in box 11.

For example, if you’re preparing your 2021/22 tax return (the return that covers the tax year that runs to 5th April 2022), FreeAgent will show you how much you can expect to pay on account for 2022/23.

Boxes 10 and 11 on the Tax Adjustments page for detailing if you're claiming to reduce the next tax year's payments on account and how much the first payment will be.

If you want to make payments on account, you’ll need to complete the ‘Underpaid tax’ section on the Main Return page.

To do this, select the 'Main Return’ tab.

'Main Return' tab highlighted as first of six tabs.

If you want to pay your tax in lump sums in January and July (instead of asking HMRC to change your tax code to collect it from your salary or pension), make sure that all three boxes are ticked as ’Yes’ in the ‘Underpaid tax’ section.

If you're unsure which boxes you should tick here, please ask your accountant.

'Underpaid Tax' area of the Main Return page.

Reducing your payments on account for next year’s FreeAgent tax return

If you are advised by your accountant that you can reduce your payments on account for the next tax year, you can change the figure on the Tax Adjustments page of your FreeAgent tax return.

For example, if you’re preparing your 2021/22 tax return and your accountant advises that you can reduce your payments on account for 2022/23, you can set box 10 to ‘Yes’ and change the figure in box 11 on the Tax Adjustments page.

Boxes 10 and 11 on the Tax Adjustments page.

Finding out what you owe and when

In FreeAgent, you can see how much tax and class 4 National Insurance you owe on either the Tax Timeline or at the bottom of the Your Tax Breakdown page. You can mark these as paid once you've paid HMRC.

Example payments to HMRC dated and detailed from the bottom of an example Your Tax Breakdown page.

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