Create a timesheet report
This article explains how to create a timesheet report once you’ve recorded time in FreeAgent.
Navigate to Time Tracking
Navigate to the ‘Work’ tab at the top of the screen and select ‘Time Tracking’ from the drop-down menu.
This will display the Time Tracking area.
Create a report
Select 'Create report' in the top-right.
Enter the details that you want to include in your report using the following filters.
Choose which week or month you want to report on from the 'Timeframe' drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can choose ‘Custom’ and enter your own dates.
Report type
Choose whether to create a report for billable time, unbillable time, billed time, unbilled time or all of your time from the 'Report type' drop-down menu.
Choose whether to create a report on time spent for all your contacts or for one particular customer using the 'Contact' drop-down menu.
Select the project that you would like to create a report for using the 'Project' drop-down menu. Please note that if you select a specific customer from the ‘Contact’ drop-down menu, you will only be able to choose from projects you have created for that customer.
If you create a report for a specific project, you can choose to report on all the tasks within that project, or on one task in particular using the 'Task' drop-down menu.
You can choose to create a report of time spent by all users in your FreeAgent account, or by one individual using the 'User' drop-down menu.
Generate the report
Once you’ve entered all of the relevant details, select ‘Generate report’.
Download the timesheet report
To download the timesheet report, select 'Export Report' in the top-right and choose the relevant option from the drop-down menu. You can choose to download the report as a 'CSV' or 'PDF' file, or save it to your Files area.
Viewing your timeslips
You can also view your timeslips using the filters in the Time Tracking area.