Self Assessment error message: problems with your submission

This article explains the steps to take if you’ve received an error message that there are problems with your submission when filing your Self Assessment tax return as a result of incomplete box(es) on your tax return.

When you try to file your tax return through FreeAgent, HMRC will be looking for certain boxes to be completed if other boxes are. For example, if you have said you want to reduce your payments on account, then HMRC needs to know by how much.

If you don’t complete the follow-up boxes that require you to enter further information relating to a certain box on your tax return, then HMRC’s systems will return an error message when you try to file the tax return using FreeAgent. This error message will be similar to the following:

“Problems with your submission

The submission of this document has failed due to departmental specific business logic in the Body tag.

[X]: There is an entry in box [X]. Please complete [AOI{X}] or [AIL{X}] or [LUN{X}] or [FSE{X}] or [FSE{X}] or [FPS{X}] or [SPS{X}].”

Error message highlighted detailing areas of the return to complete.

The error message will contain the page of the tax return and box number that contains incomplete information. For example, “box [CAL14]” refers to the tax calculation summary page (‘Tax Adjustments’ page in FreeAgent) and box 14. Please see below for details on additional abbreviations that may be included in the error message.

If you have full (level 8) access to your FreeAgent account, you can follow the steps below to correct it.

Navigate to the ‘Taxes’ tab at the top of the screen and select ‘Self Assessment’ from the drop-down menu.

'Taxes' drop-down menu with 'Self Assessment' highlighted.

Select your name from the drop-down menu.

Example user name highlighted in the drop-down menu.

Select the relevant tax year.

Tax year column highlighted on the Self Assessment summary page.

Select the relevant page of the tax return which is referenced in the error message.

Six tabs for six pages of self assessment tax return highlighted above the return.

Navigate to the relevant box which is referenced in the error message and enter the missing information. Please note that there are some pages and boxes on the Self Assessment tax return that aren’t supported in FreeAgent.

Once you’ve entered the relevant information to complete all the boxes, select ‘Prepare to file online’ and follow the steps to file your Self Assessment tax return to HMRC.

'Prepare to file online' button highlighted above the return.

Self Assessment tax return abbreviations

The table below details which pages of the Self Assessment tax return are related to each of the abbreviations that could be contained within the error message and whether these are supported by FreeAgent. Please note that if the error message relates to incomplete information on a page which isn’t supported, you’ll need to file your tax return outside of FreeAgent.

Abbreviation Full page name Supported by FreeAgent?
E Employment Yes
FSE Full self-employment Yes
SSE Short self-employment Yes
CAL Tax calculation summary Yes (Tax Adjustments)
AOI Any Other Information No
AIL Additional Information No
UKP Income from property Yes
LUN Lloyd’s Underwriter No
F Foreign income No
T Income from trusts No
RR Residence and remittance No
FPS Full partnership No
SPS Short partnership No
CG/CGT Capital gains tax No

For a full list of the Self Assessment tax return supplementary pages, please see the following HMRC guidance.

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