Add and manage notes about clients

This article explains how to add notes to a client’s profile on your Practice Dashboard. It also explains how to update or delete a note you’ve added previously.

Please note that senior account managers can add, edit and delete notes for all of the practice's client accounts in FreeAgent. Non-senior account managers can only add, edit or delete notes that they've added themselves for clients that are assigned to them under the ‘My Clients’ tab.

Adding a note for a client

Begin by logging in to your Practice Dashboard and selecting the relevant client’s name from the list to view their client profile.

Select client.png

Select the ‘Notes’ tab.

Notes tab.png

Enter the relevant note for the client and select ‘Add note’ to complete the process.

Add note.png

You’ll see a record of when the note was added and by which account manager.

Note details.png

Updating a note for a client

To either edit or delete a note, begin by logging in to your Practice Dashboard and selecting the relevant client’s name from the list to view their client profile.

Select client.png

Select the ‘Notes’ tab.

Notes tab.png

Editing a note

Select ‘Edit’ next to the note you wish to make changes to.

Edit note.png

Make any necessary changes and select ‘Update Note’ to complete the process.

Update note.png

Please note that a record of the note having been updated will not be recorded and the timestamp will still reflect when the original note was added.

Deleting a note

Select ‘Delete’ next to the note you wish to remove.

Delete note.png

Select ‘Yes, delete this note’ in the pop-up window to complete the process.

Confirm delete.png

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