Customise a theme for invoices and estimates

This article explains how to use our customisation designer to create a custom theme for your invoices and estimates in FreeAgent.

When creating a custom theme, you can use the customisation designer to customise the following:

If you would like to customise additional elements of an invoice theme, you can customise an invoice theme using CSS.

Creating a custom theme

To create a custom theme in FreeAgent, select 'Settings' from the drop-down menu in the top-right corner, then select 'Theme Settings' from the ‘Emails, Invoices & Estimates’ section.


Select ‘Create custom theme’.

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You can customise the table content, size of your logo, accent colour and font.

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Table settings

You can adjust the table style and density for the invoice and estimate line items.

Customising the table style

Adjusting the ‘Table style’ allows you to choose whether you would like the table rows differentiated using dividers or coloured accents on alternating rows.

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Customising the table density

Adjusting the ‘Table density’ allows you to choose how spacious or compact you would like the table content to be.

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Logo settings

Once you’ve added your business's logo, you can adjust the size by choosing from the different size options.

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To add or replace your logo, select the ‘Change logo’ or ‘Add logo’ link.

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Select ‘Select a file’ and choose a file in either PNG, GIF or JPG format to upload from your computer. Then, select ‘Upload’ to add it to the custom theme.

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Accent colour

You can adjust the accent colour of your invoice by selecting the circle below ‘Accent colour’.

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You can either select a colour using the colour picker or by entering the RGB, HSL or Hex code. Find out more about the difference between RGB, HSL and Hex codes.

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RGB will be displayed by default but you can navigate to HSL or hex using the arrows to the right of RGB.

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You can select a different font for your heading and body content using the drop-down menus. You can choose from a library of 38 fonts.

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Saving and applying the theme

Once you’re happy with how your theme looks, select ‘Save and finish’ to complete the process. To undo the changes and return to the default theme or your previously saved version, select ‘Revert changes’.

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Using a custom theme

You can apply a custom theme to all your current draft invoices and any future invoices and estimates that you create by navigating back to the Theme Settings and selecting ‘Make Default’ below the ‘Custom’ thumbnail. Alternatively, you can apply the theme to an individual invoice or estimate.

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