Deactivate or stop a recurring invoice profile
This article explains how to stop or deactivate a recurring invoice profile.
You can do this by either:
- deactivating a recurring invoice profile before the last invoice is due to be raised
- stopping a profile from creating any further recurring invoices
- deleting the profile
Deactivate a profile before the last invoice is due to be raised
Navigate to the 'Work' tab at the top of the screen and select ‘Recurring Invoices’ from the drop-down menu.
Select the ‘Edit’ button next to the relevant profile.
Enter the last date that you want the profile to raise an invoice on in the ‘until’ box. This will stop any further invoices from being raised.
Select ‘Update profile’ to complete the process.
Please note that you can only add an end date on or after the next recurring date in the sequence, so it is best practice to add this when setting up the profile if known in advance.
Stop a profile from raising any further invoices
Navigate to the 'Work' tab at the top of the screen and select ‘Recurring Invoices’ from the drop-down menu.
Select the relevant profile from the list of recurring invoice profiles.
Select ‘Make Draft’. This will instantly deactivate the profile and ensure that no further invoices are sent to the customer. Please note that the recurring invoice profile will still be visible on the page in draft form.
Delete the invoice profile
If you don’t want to see the profile any more, you can delete the profile.
Navigate to the 'Work' tab at the top of the screen and select ‘Recurring Invoices’ from the drop-down menu.
Select the relevant profile from the list of recurring invoice profiles.
Select ‘Delete’. A pop-up window will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete this recurring invoice profile. Select ‘OK’. This will remove the recurring invoice profile from the Recurring Invoice Profiles page.
Alternatively, you can select the red cross next to the relevant profile on the Recurring Invoice Profiles page.
A pop-up window will ask you confirm that you want to delete this profile. Select ‘Yes, delete Profile X’ to complete this process and delete the profile.
When the profile is deleted, recurring invoices will no longer be created using the specifications that were outlined within it.