Edit your FreeAgent subscription

This article explains how to edit your FreeAgent subscription in order to make changes to your payment schedule, card details or billing contact details.

Please note that you’ll need full (level 8) access to your FreeAgent account to be able to edit the payment schedule, card details or billing details associated with your account.

Edit your subscription

Navigate to the drop-down menu at the top-right of the screen and select 'Billing'.

'Billing' highlighted on drop down menu under business name.

Next, select ‘Edit Subscription’ at the bottom of the ‘My Subscription’ section.


Payment schedule

You can choose whether your subscription payments are taken monthly or annually in the ‘Payment Schedule’ section. Please note that if you change your subscription payments from monthly to annually, the next subscription payment will be taken immediately. If you change your subscription payments from annually to monthly, the change will be applied on your renewal date.

The prices you see will vary depending on what you business type is listed as in FreeAgent.


Card details

If you need to change your card details, select ‘Use a different card’ in the ‘Card Details’ section.


Enter the new card details and select ‘Update my details’ at the bottom of the screen to complete the process.

Billing details

You can change your billing contact details, including the billing address or email address that your subscription invoices are emailed to, in the ‘Billing Details’ section.


Once you’ve made the relevant changes, select ‘Update my details’ at the bottom of the screen to complete the process.


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