How to add line items to a bill
This article explains how to add line items to a bill that you’ve created in FreeAgent.
In FreeAgent, bills contain line items that detail the specific products or services that you’re being charged for, along with the relevant quantities and prices. You can edit or delete the line items after you've added them to a bill.
Please note that you can add a maximum of 40 line items to a bill, and you can only add one capital asset to a bill. If you’ve purchased more than one capital asset, these will need to be entered as separate bills
Find the bill
Navigate to the ‘Bills’ tab at the top of the screen.
Select the relevant bill from the list.
Add line items to the bill
Select ‘Add bill item’.
This will bring up the 'Add new bill item’ screen.
Next, you’ll need to complete the following information.
Spending category
Select the relevant cost category from the ‘Spending Category’ drop-down menu. You can create custom categories if you need to. If you’re unsure which category to select, please ask your accountant.
Item details
Add a description of the line item in the ‘Details’ field.
Quantity and units
Enter the quantity of units you’re being charged for and then select the relevant unit from the drop-down menu.
If you don't want to show a unit, select ‘-no unit-’, which will leave the unit column blank for the line item on the bill.
Total price
Next, enter the item value in the ‘Total Price’ field. Whether the price is inclusive or exclusive of tax will depend on the setting selected when creating the bill. If you're recording a credit note that your supplier has given you, which is called a 'bill credit note' in FreeAgent to distinguish it from a credit note you issue to a customer, enter the total amount of the bill credit note as a negative figure.
Once you have entered all the necessary details for the bill line item, select 'Save’ to complete the process and add it to the bill. If you need to add additional bill items, select 'Save and add another'. If you no longer want to add this item to the invoice, select ‘Cancel’.