Import out-of-pocket expenses in bulk

This article explains how to upload a group of out-of-pocket expense claims into FreeAgent.

If you don’t want to create each individual out-of-pocket expense manually, you can bulk upload several at once. Depending on your FreeAgent account type, you'll either find the 'Expenses' area along the main tab at the top of the screen or under the 'My Money' drop-down menu.

Please note:

  • You won't be able to import out-of-pocket expenses in bulk if you have an unincorporated landlord or universal account.

  • You can upload a maximum of 1,000 out-of-pocket expenses on a single import. If you have more than 1,000 to upload, you'll need to split them over multiple imports.

Navigate to the 'Expenses' area

Navigate to the 'My Money' tab at the top of the screen and select 'Expenses' from the drop-down menu.

Expenses highlighted within My Money drop-down menu

Next, select 'Import Expenses' at the top-right of the screen.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 14.47.32.png

You'll be prompted to download our 'Expenses template'.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 14.49.58.png

How to fill in our expenses template

The table below shows you how to fill in the template.

Column name What to enter Example Required?
claimant_name The full name of the FreeAgent user the expense is for. This is case-sensitive and must match exactly with the user's name in FreeAgent. Nathan Barley Yes
category The spending category for the expense. If you know the accounting code, you can add that here instead.

Accommodation and Meals

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The date of the expense.

This must be in DD/MM/YYYY format, regardless of the date format in your FreeAgent account.

25/04/2021 Yes
currency The 3-character ISO code for the currency the expense is in. GBP If not provided, we will use your FreeAgent account's native currency.
type This can be one of either "Payment" or "Refund" Payment Yes
gross_value The total value of the expense including VAT. 27.99 Yes
description A description of the expense. Dinner with Dan in Shoreditch Yes
receipt_reference If you have a receipt, enter the reference number here. 001 No

Enter the rate (percentage) of VAT applied to the expense.

If you want to enter this manually, add the rate without the percentage sign. Alternatively, enter "Auto" and FreeAgent will set the VAT rate for you based on the spending category. Finally, if the Expense is exempt from VAT, enter the value "Exempt".

20 Yes
sales_tax_value If you want to set a specific amount of VAT, enter that value here. 5.60 If you've entered a sales_tax_rate above, the sales_tax_value will be ignored.
ec_status If you've enabled EC VAT Reporting, enter one of "UK/Non-EC", "EC Goods", "EC Services". UK/Non-EC No
If the expense is not in the same currency as your FreeAgent account's native currency, enter the gross value of the expense in your native currency. 24.85 If blank, FreeAgent will automatically calculate the native value using exchange rates.
If the expense is not in the same currency as your FreeAgent account's native currency, and you can reclaim UK VAT on the expense, enter the amount of reclaimable VAT. 4.97 No
project_client The name of the FreeAgent contact this expense is for. This is case sensitive and must match exactly with the contact's name in FreeAgent. Fez Consulting Ltd

If blank, no project will be assigned to the expense.

If you want to link this expense to a project, you must enter both project_client and project_name.

project_name The name of the project this expense is for. This is case sensitive and must match exactly with the project's name in FreeAgent. Business Strategy

If blank, no project will be assigned to the expense.

If you want to link this expense to a project, you must enter both project_client and project_name.


If you wish to rebill this expense at cost, enter "cost".

If you wish to rebill with a percentage markup, enter "markup".

Finally, if you wish to rebill at a specific price, enter "price".


To rebill an expense, project_client and project_name must be entered above.

If blank, we will not rebill this expense.


If you're rebilling at cost, leave this blank.

If you're rebilling with a percentage markup, enter the percentage value (without the percentage sign).

If you're rebilling at a specific price, enter the price you wish to rebill at.


- or -


If you've entered either "markup" or "price" above, this field must be completed.


If this expense is for a purchase of stock, enter the name of the stock item. This is case-sensitive and must match exactly with the stock item's name in FreeAgent.

Stock functionality won't be available if you have an unincorporated landlord account or if you're preparing your accounts using the cash accounting basis.

Green Ribbons This is required if you've entered "Purchase of Stock" in the `category` column above.

If this expense is for a purchase of stock, enter the quantity of stock purchased.

Stock functionality won't be available if you have an unincorporated landlord account or if you're preparing your accounts using the cash accounting basis.

100 This is required if you've entered "Purchase of Stock" in the `category` column above.
asset_life If this expense is for a capital asset purchase, enter the asset's lifetime in years. You can only enter values between 2 and 25 years (inclusive) in this column. 5 This is required if you've entered any of "Computer Equipment Purchase", "Fixtures and Fittings Purchase", "Other Capital Asset Purchase" or any manually added “Capital Asset Type” in the `category` column above.

Upload the template

Select the CSV file you want to import and then select ‘Upload’. Please ensure that you select the 'CSV (Comma delimited)' option.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 14.54.04.png

Review the imported out-of-pocket expenses

Once the upload is complete, you'll be prompted to review your newly added out-of-pocket expenses.

If you realise that you've made an error, or want to remove the most recent out-of-pocket expenses, select 'Import Expenses' at the top-right of the screen.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 14.47.32.png

Then, select 'Undo' to the right of the import that you want to remove.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 15.45.01.png

Please note that you'll only be able to review and undo an import that you have uploaded into FreeAgent. You'll not be able to review or undo an import that was uploaded by another user or your accountant (if you work with an accountant who is a FreeAgent partner).

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