An introduction to FreeAgent’s Radar feature

This article provides an introduction to FreeAgent’s Radar feature and explains how to use the Radar area of your FreeAgent account.

Radar is a FreeAgent feature that helps you stay on top of your business admin and provides tailored insights into your business’s performance.

Please note that Radar is only available to users with an access level of 7 or above.

Viewing your Radar notifications

To access the Radar area, select the bell-shaped icon beside your company name in the top-right of the screen.


Admin-To-Do notifications

New tasks will be shown under the ‘Admin To-Do’ tab. The number of new items will be shown in brackets beside the ‘Admin To-Do’ tab header. Any new or updated items on your list will have a thin blue sidebar on the left-hand side.

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Radar notifications

New Insights and product updates will be shown under the ‘Radar’ tab within the drop-down menu. The number of unread Insights and updates will be shown in brackets beside the ‘Radar’ tab header. To read more about an Insight or update, select it from the menu and you will be taken to the Radar area.

Please note that once you have read a Radar notification, it will no longer appear in the Radar drop-down menu.

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CoPilot notifications

If you use FreeAgent with a CoPilot accountant, you will see a third tab in the drop-down menu that shows your new CoPilot messages. The number of unread CoPilot messages will be shown in brackets beside the ‘CoPilot’ tab header. To read a message, select it from the menu and you will be taken to the CoPilot area of FreeAgent.

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How to find the Radar area

To view Radar, select ‘View Radar page’ at the bottom of the drop-down menu.

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Radar’s key features

The Radar area contains your Admin To-Do List and your Radar feed.

Admin To-Do List

At the top of the Radar area is your Admin To-Do List. This is a checklist that highlights outstanding admin tasks, such as explaining bank transactions, updating your Open Banking bank feed and managing overdue invoices.

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Radar feed

Below your Admin To-Do List is your Radar feed, which displays product update notifications, Insights and tips that are tailored to your business.

Updates to FreeAgent

When any new features or updates to FreeAgent are released, you will receive a ‘Product Update’ notification in your Radar feed.

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Insights are notifications that highlight certain areas of interest from your business’s performance. Find out more about Insights in FreeAgent.


Pro Tips

You’ll receive useful tips about FreeAgent functionality that’s available to help you stay on top of your business admin and run your business efficiently.

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Indicators of business performance

Business Health notifications highlight your business’s performance in certain areas and provide useful links for ways to improve performance.

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Upcoming deadlines

You’ll receive notifications reminding you of important tax deadlines for you and your business based on the accounting dates and VAT return dates in your VAT settings.

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