Edit your VAT return details
This article explains how to edit the details of a VAT return that has been generated in FreeAgent.
After a VAT return has been generated, you can edit your VAT period end date, VAT accounting basis and VAT Flat Rate Scheme details. You can also adjust boxes 6 to 9 and add a fuel scale charge.
Before you start
Make sure that you’ve entered your business as ‘Registered’ for VAT in your VAT registration settings.
You’ll need to have full (level 8) access to your FreeAgent account to be able to edit any of your VAT return details and settings.
Navigating to the relevant VAT return
Navigate to the 'Taxes' tab at the top of the screen and select 'VAT' from the drop-down menu.
You’ll be taken to your VAT ‘Statement of Account’ which shows how much VAT is due for each VAT return.
Bank transactions that you explain as VAT payments to HMRC or VAT refunds from HMRC will appear here. You'll see a running balance of how much is due to be paid to HMRC, or refunded to you from HMRC.
Select a specific VAT return using the ‘VAT’ drop-down menu in the top-left.
Alternatively, you can select a VAT return from the list.
Next, you’ll be taken to the VAT return for that period.
You can select the 'Full Report' tab to review a breakdown of the figures that FreeAgent has calculated for each of the boxes on your VAT return. For more details, see this article.
How to edit your VAT return details
To edit your VAT period end date, VAT accounting basis or VAT Flat Rate Scheme details, adjust boxes 6 to 9 or add a fuel scale charge, select 'Edit details' in the top-right.
Changing the end date for a VAT period
You can change the end date for a VAT period by changing the date in the ‘Period Ends On’ field. This will then roll forward and create the next return one, three or 12 months after the new date.
Changing your VAT accounting basis
You can change whether your business is cash accounting for VAT or invoice accounting for VAT on this return. Please note that if you change the settings on a return, you’ll need to apply the same changes to any future-dated VAT returns that FreeAgent has already generated.
When the settings have been changed on all these returns, FreeAgent will default to the new setting when it creates future VAT returns.
Changing your VAT Flat Rate Scheme settings
You can also change your VAT Flat Rate Scheme settings by moving from one type of Flat Rate Scheme to another, or moving from the Flat Rate Scheme to the standard VAT scheme (or vice versa).
Please note that if you change the settings on a return, you’ll need to apply the same changes to any future-dated VAT returns that FreeAgent has already generated. If you want the change to your VAT Flat Rate Scheme settings to come into effect on a date that falls mid-way through a VAT quarter, please follow these instructions.
Adjusting the numbers in boxes 6 to 9
You can adjust the numbers in boxes 6, 7, 8 and 9 of your VAT return. For more information about adjusting these boxes, please see this article.
Adding a fuel scale charge
If you've claimed input VAT on both your private and business motor expenses, you can add the fuel scale charge by choosing the CO2 band for your car. You can find this information on the V5 registration form.
Select ‘Save Changes’ at the bottom of the screen to complete the process.
Once you've correctly entered all your transactions into FreeAgent for the VAT period, you can file the VAT return online through FreeAgent.