Create an estimate using the FreeAgent mobile app

This article explains how to create an estimate using the FreeAgent mobile app.

Any changes you make using the FreeAgent mobile app will be reflected in the desktop version of FreeAgent.

How to create an estimate

Open the FreeAgent mobile app on your iOS or Android device and log in using your FreeAgent login details if prompted. If you’ve accessed the app recently, you may be logged in automatically.

Tap the three-lined 'hamburger' icon at the top-left of the FreeAgent mobile app and select 'Estimates'.


Tap the ‘+’ at the top-right of the screen and enter the following information.

Contact and project details

Select which customer you would like to create the estimate for using the ‘Choose contact’ field. Please note that if the contact is hidden, they won’t appear in the list. You can also add a new contact by tapping the ‘Choose contact’ field and selecting the '+’ in the top-right corner.


If you’re creating this estimate as part of an existing project, select the relevant project from the ‘Choose project’ field. If it's for a new project, you'll need to create the project first by tapping the ‘Project’ field, selecting the ‘+’ symbol at the top-right and entering the relevant details for the project.


Once you’ve entered the relevant details, select ‘Create new estimate’.


Estimate details

You’ll need to complete the main details for the estimate in this section.


Select the type of estimate that you’d like to create for the contact using the ‘Type’ field. This option determines the text that will be displayed at the top of the estimate. You can choose from ‘Estimate’, ‘Quote’ or ‘Proposal’.


Estimate reference

FreeAgent automatically gives the estimate a reference number, but you can override the ‘Reference’ field if you need to. The default invoice sequencing in FreeAgent is global. Find out more about how invoice numbering works in FreeAgent.


Estimate date and currency

Enter the date and currency of the estimate.



Toggle the ‘Include VAT in totals?’ option to include VAT in the estimate total.


Additional options

Select ‘Additional options’ to expand this section and then enter the relevant details if required.


Estimate discount

To apply a discount to the entire estimate, enter the discount percentage in the ‘Discount %’ field.

VAT options

Select the appropriate VAT option by selecting the ‘VAT Options’ field and choosing the relevant option. Please note that you will need to enable additional VAT rates in your ‘VAT Registration’ settings on the desktop version of FreeAgent if you need these.

Additional text

Add any additional text that you wish to include on the estimate in the ‘Additional text’ field.

Add items to the estimate

Next, you’ll need to add line items to the estimate.

To do this, select ‘Add estimate item’.


This will bring up the 'Add estimate item’ screen.



Enter all the necessary details for the estimate line item and select 'Add item to estimate’ to complete the process and add it to the estimate. If you need to add additional estimate items, select 'Add item to estimate & add another' instead.


Mark the estimate as sent

If you’re not sending the estimate to the contact, select the three dots in the top-right corner and choose ‘Mark as sent’ from the menu.


Send the estimate

If you would like to send the estimate to your customer, select ‘Compose email and send’ at the bottom of the screen.


Preview the email and tap ‘Send’ in the top-right corner to complete the process. Please note that to be able to email estimates from within the mobile app, you will first need to have verified the sender email address on the desktop version of FreeAgent. 


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