How invoice numbering works in FreeAgent

This article explains the different reference numbering sequences you can use when creating invoices in FreeAgent.

Global sequencing

The default invoice numbering sequence in FreeAgent is global sequencing. This means that when you create a new invoice, FreeAgent automatically provides an invoice reference (e.g.‘001’) and the reference number of each additional new invoice you create will increase by one (e.g. ‘002’, ‘003’ etc).

To overwrite the reference number of an invoice, navigate to the ‘Work’ drop-down menu and select 'Invoicing'. Next, select the relevant invoice from the list and select ‘Edit’. If the invoice has been marked as ‘Sent’ or ‘Paid’, you'll need to remove the payment and mark it back to a 'Draft' before you can edit it.

Scroll to the ‘Details’ section and edit the ‘Invoice Reference’ field to change the invoice reference number.

Invoice Reference field highlighted on invoiice form.png

If you overwrite the reference number, the global invoice sequence will continue from the new number you’ve entered. For example, if the next invoice reference in the sequence is ‘004’, but you change this to ‘010’, the next invoice will be numbered ‘011’.

Contact-level sequencing

An alternative invoice numbering sequence in FreeAgent is contact-level sequencing. This method applies a consistent contact reference to the start of each invoice number for a particular contact. Global invoice sequencing is applied to the numerical part of the invoice reference. For example, if your contact is Joe Bloggs, you can set the contact-level invoice sequence to be ‘JB001’, ‘JB002’, ‘JB003’ etc.

You can choose this type of invoice numbering sequence by ticking the ‘Contact-level Invoice Sequence?’ check box in the ‘Invoicing Options’ section when you create a new contact or edit an existing contact.

'Contact-level Invoice Sequence' option selected.

You will be prompted to set the prefix for contact-level sequencing when you create the first invoice for the contact.

Invoice reference example highlighted on invoice form.png

Project-level sequencing

Project-level invoice number sequencing is also available. This method applies a consistent project reference to the start of each invoice number for a particular project. Global invoice sequencing is applied to the numerical part of the invoice reference. For example, if you had a project called ‘Big Project’, you can set the project-level invoice sequence to be ‘BIGPROJ 001’, ‘BIGPROJ 002’, ‘BIGPROJ 003’ etc.

You can choose this type of invoice numbering sequence by ticking the ‘Project-level Invoice Sequence?’ check box in the ‘Project’ section when you create a new project or edit an existing project.

'Project-level Invoice Sequence' option selected.

Please note that the prefix for project-level sequencing is set when you create the first invoice for the project.

Sequencing in recurring invoices

If you create a recurring invoice profile for a particular contact or project, FreeAgent will use global sequencing unless you’ve set up contact-level or project-level sequencing and provided a starting reference for the first invoice in the series.

Subsequent invoices in the recurring series will be given reference numbers in sequence, depending on how many other invoices are generated between invoices in the series. The reference number in the profile settings is only used to create the first invoice in the sequence - thereafter it is the last invoice generated by the invoice profile that dictates the next invoice number generated (taking into account any other invoices created outwith the profile). For example, if the reference number of the first invoice in the series is ‘001’ and you issue two more invoices before the second invoice in the series is generated, the second invoice in the series will have a reference number of ‘004’.

Please note that if you edit a recurring invoice profile, editing the starting reference number will not amend the invoice numbering sequence if invoices have already been generated by the profile. In order to change the sequence, you will need to amend the reference number of the most recently generated invoice.

However, if your invoice profile is set to email invoices automatically you will likely want to avoid editing an invoice that has already been sent to your customer. Therefore, it is advisable to edit the invoice profile to (temporarily) remove the setting to email the invoice automatically. You can then wait until the next invoice is created by the profile and edit that invoice number manually before sending it to the customer. At this point you can reapply the automatic emailing setting on the recurring profile and all future invoices created by the profile will now follow your new invoice sequence.

Although it is not possible to duplicate invoice profiles, you will be able to do this quickly from one of the invoices generated by the old profile. When you select any of these invoices, you can select the ‘More’ button in the top-right corner and select ‘Create recurring profile from this invoice’. You can then apply the new starting invoice reference number to this new profile, and set this up with the start date aligning with the next date you need to invoice your customer.

This would mean you would use the new profile to create invoices for your customer moving forward so please make sure to edit the old profile and add an end date to deactivate it (or you can choose to delete it instead) in order to avoid the risk of sending two invoices to your customer.

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