Create an estimate
This article explains how to create an estimate, quote or proposal in FreeAgent to send to a customer.
If you need to make changes to an estimate that you've previously created, find out how to edit an estimate.
Before you start
Before following the steps below, please ensure that the customer you are creating the estimate for has been added as a contact, either by uploading their information into FreeAgent, importing them from Basecamp or manually adding them as a new contact.
1. Navigate to Estimates
Navigate to the 'Work' tab at the top of the screen and select 'Estimates' from the drop-down menu.
Alternatively, you can create an estimate by selecting ‘Add new’ on the ‘Overview’ page and selecting ‘New Estimate’ from the drop-down menu.
You can also create an estimate from a project by selecting ‘Estimate’ from the ‘Add New’ menu. Please note this is the only way to create an estimate for a project that is not active.
If you’re creating your first estimate in FreeAgent, select ‘Create your first estimate’.
If you’ve already created your first estimate in FreeAgent, select 'Add New Estimate' in the top-right to create a new one.
2. Complete the estimate details
Next, you’ll need to add the following details for the estimate before adding the line items.
First, choose whether this is an estimate, a quote or a proposal from the drop-down menu.
Contact and project details
Select which customer the estimate is for from the ‘Contact’ drop-down menu. Please note that if the contact is hidden they won’t appear in the list. You can also add a new contact by selecting 'Or, add a new contact' next to the ‘Contact’ field. However, this only allows you to enter the name of the new contact, not their email address. You will need to edit the contact to add additional details if you create a contact this way.
If you’re creating this estimate as part of an existing project, select the relevant project from the ‘Project’ drop-down menu. If it's for a new project, you can create the project first or create the project from the estimate later.
Estimate reference
FreeAgent automatically gives the estimate a reference number but you can override the ‘Invoice Reference’ field if you need to. The default invoice sequencing in FreeAgent is global. Find out more about how invoice numbering works in FreeAgent.
Estimate date, currency and additional information
Enter the date for the estimate and select the relevant currency.
You can choose whether or not to include Sales Tax in your totals by selecting ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the drop-down menu. If you choose not to include Sales Tax on your estimate total, when the estimate is converted to an invoice, the Sales Tax values will be displayed as usual.
Any other additional information can be entered into the ‘Additional Text’ field. If you want the same information to appear on every estimate, you can set up default text.
More options
Select the chevron arrow next to 'More Options' to expand this section and then enter the relevant details if required.
Estimate discount
To apply a discount to the entire estimate, enter the discount percentage in the ‘Estimate Discount’ field.
Client contact name
To send the estimate to someone other than the person listed as the contact for that customer, enter the name of the person you wish to address the estimate to in the ‘Client Contact Name’ field.
Are you using Letterheaded Paper?
Tick this checkbox if you intend to print the estimate on letterheaded paper and wish to omit your logo and company address details from the estimate, otherwise leave it unticked and both your logo and company address will be included.
Display project name
If the estimate relates to a project in FreeAgent and you wish to include the project name on the estimate, check the 'Display Project Name' box.
Once you’ve entered the relevant details, select ‘Create New Estimate’ at the bottom of the screen.
3. Add items to the estimate
Next, you’ll need to add line items to the estimate. To do this, select ‘Add Estimate Item’.
This will bring up the 'Add Estimate Item’ screen.
Once you’ve entered all the necessary details for the estimate line item, select 'Create and Finish’ to complete the process and add it to the estimate. If you need to add additional estimate items, select 'Create and Add Another'.
You can then send the estimate to your customer.
Order confirmations
There’s not currently an order confirmation feature within FreeAgent. However, you could add the text 'ORDER CONFIRMATION' as a comment line on the estimate, and then when you email the estimate to your customer, you can send the terms and conditions as another attachment on this email.
To do this you would need to make sure that you have uploaded them to the Files area of FreeAgent.
Pro forma invoices
It's not currently possible to produce pro forma invoices within FreeAgent. However, when creating an estimate you could enter 'PRO FORMA INVOICE - This is a request for payment due on...' in the additional text field. This would then appear at the bottom of the estimate.
Alternatively, you could add another line item to the estimate and select the unit ‘Comment’ and add the text there so it appears in the body of the estimate rather than at the bottom.
Once the payment is made, you can convert the estimate to an invoice and allocate the receipt to that invoice to mark it as paid.