Add and edit your business's details

This article explains where to add and edit important information such as your business's name, address and registered numbers, including tax numbers.

Select 'Settings' from the drop-down menu in the top-right corner and then select 'Company Details'.


Here you can see the company type and the address details you've entered when creating your FreeAgent account. Please note, you can change your address details but see this article for changing your company type, for example if you were a sole trader and are now going to trade through a limited company.


Make sure that the company name and address in FreeAgent match those held at both Companies House (for filing your accounts) and HMRC (for filing your Corporation Tax return). It's possible to use a different trading name on your invoices, but if you do, the submission of the reports may be rejected. Find out how to file Final Accounts and Corporation Tax returns through FreeAgent.

You would also put here any registered numbers your business has.


If your business is a limited company or limited liability partnership, you need to make sure you include your company or LLP registration number here, because it's a legal requirement to display this on your invoices. This number will be on your certificate of incorporation from Companies House. If you can't find your certificate of incorporation, go to the Companies House website and select 'Find Company Information', and put in your company or LLP's registered name. The website will give you your number.

If you're running payroll and filing it through FreeAgent using RTI, then you must include here your business's PAYE and Accounts Office references. You'll find these on a letter from HMRC.

You also need to include your business's Corporation Tax reference number if you are filing payroll forms through FreeAgent.

For limited companies like this one, you need to look for the 10-digit corporation tax reference number on letters from HMRC. Make sure you use a corporation tax reference which are the two blocks of five numbers, written as a 10-digit number.

If your business is a partnership and you are filing RTI because you have employees as well as partners, use the partnership's 10-digit Unique Tax Reference (UTR) which will be on letters from HMRC. Again, make sure you use the partnership's reference rather than either of the partners' own UTRs.

If you are a sole trader with employees, fill in here your own 10-digit UTR.

Finally at the bottom of the page you can fill in your contact information, if you wish, plus more detail about your business type. Select 'Save Changes' once you have finished on the page.


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