Edit a file

This article explains how to edit a file in the Files and Smart Capture areas in FreeAgent.

To remove a file from the Files area, find out how to delete a file.

Editing a regular file

Navigate to the drop-down menu at the top-right of the screen and select 'Files’.

Drop-down menu below business name with Files highlighted

This will bring up a list of your regular files.

Files area.png

You can edit an existing file or download an original copy of a file.

Editing the name and privacy status of a regular file

You can edit a file’s name and its privacy status if you uploaded the file after 13th October 2020 and have a user access level of 7 or above. Please note that if you didn’t upload the file, or you uploaded the file before 13th October 2020 or have a user access level of 6 or below, you’ll only be able to edit the name of the file.

Select the three dots to the right of the file and select 'Edit name & privacy' from the drop-down menu.

Edit name & privacy

Enter the new name in the ‘File name’ field and select the relevant privacy option from the ‘Privacy’ drop-down menu. A file with ‘Private’ status can only be viewed by you or your accountant (provided your accountant is a FreeAgent partner). A file with ‘Shared’ status can be viewed by all users with an access level of 4 or above.


Once you’ve made the relevant changes, select 'Save changes' to complete the process.

Downloading an original copy of a file

You can download an original copy of a file in the Files area to your computer by selecting the three dots to the right of the file and selecting 'Download original' from the drop-down menu.

download original highlighted.png

The original copy of the file will then download to your computer.

Editing a Smart Capture file

Navigate to the drop-down menu at the top-right of the screen and select 'Smart Capture’.

Smart capture highlighted on drop down menu under business name.

The Smart Capture area will contain files which have had the date and amount automatically extracted by FreeAgent’s Smart Capture functionality.

Smart Capture area

You can edit an existing Smart Capture file or download an original copy of a Smart Capture file.

Editing the name and privacy status of a regular file

You can edit a file’s name and its privacy status if you uploaded the file after 13th October 2020 and have a user access level of 7 or above. Please note that if you didn’t upload the file, or you uploaded the file before 13th October 2020 or have a user access level of 6 or below, you’ll only be able to edit the name of the file.

Select the three dots to the right of the file and select 'Edit name & privacy' from the drop-down menu.

Edit name & privacy highlighted

Enter the new name in the ‘File name’ field and select the relevant privacy option from the ‘Privacy’ drop-down menu. A file with ‘Private’ status can only be viewed by you or your accountant (provided your accountant is a FreeAgent partner). A file with ‘Shared’ status can be viewed by all users with an access level of 4 or above.


Once you’ve made the relevant changes, select 'Save changes' to complete the process.

Downloading an original copy of a Smart Capture file

You can download an original copy of a Smart Capture file to your computer by selecting the three dots to the right of the file and selecting 'Download original' from the drop-down menu.

download original highlighted

The original copy of the file will then download to your computer.

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