American Express supplementary card transactions

This article explains how to deal with bank transactions from supplementary American Express cards in FreeAgent.

If you use an American Express bank feed in FreeAgent and have supplementary cards linked to your account, the transactions from the supplementary cards automatically appear in the main feed of your Amex account. This means that your FreeAgent account should accurately reflect your American Express statement.

If you also set up a separate bank feed for a supplementary card, the transactions from that card will appear in both feeds. This duplication happens because the main feed includes all transactions across the entire American Express account, including those from supplementary cards.

We recommend using only the main feed for all American Express transactions. This ensures that your records are complete without introducing duplicates and the need to manually manage your feed.

Managing duplicate transactions

If you do find you have duplicate transactions in different Amex card accounts in FreeAgent, we would suggest you delete the duplicate transaction(s) from the main feed.

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